Tag Archives: Granville Island

Connections at Dundarave Print Workshop

My artwork, grounded and free, was juried into the Connection exhibition at Dundarave Print Workshop in Vancouver, BC.  The show runs March 16 to April 2, 2023.

Dundarave Print Workshop, Vancouver, BC

Dundarave Print Workshop, Vancouver, BC

In 2021 Dundarave Print Workshop marked 50 years (!) of fine art printmaking.  It’s a great space, with a gallery showcasing artist-members’ works, and public viewing  of the print shop space.

Dundarave Print Workshop image

I’m honoured to be included in Dundarave’s first ever open call / regional show.  View the exhibition at the printshop on Granville Island (1640 Johnson St.) Wednesdays to Sundays from 11am – 5 pm.

grounded and free, Terry Vatrt, 2022, (intaglio and collagraph)


Happy Birthday Malaspina!

Malaspina Printmakers (on Granville Island) in Vancouver is 40 years old.  It’s an artist-run centre whose mandate is to support the development of printmaking as a contemporary art form and promotes and preserves traditional print practice.

Their current show, And they thought, where do we go from here?  features works from the seven founding members.

In 1975, Gary Bowden, Chris Brady, Bob Evermon, Monique Fouquet, Michael Joliffe, Deborah Koenker and Renee Van Halm were all associated with the Vancouver School of Art, which is now the Emily Carr University of Art + Design.  Malaspina Printmakers came out of their desire to apply for funds for an international print exhibition.  They took the initiative to found the structure of the non-profit, including the incorporation, purposes and bylaws.

Forty years later, many of these people have moved on from Malaspina Printmakers, but the centre continues to support  the fine art of printmaking.

Happy, happy!