Tag Archives: Eric Louie

More “df” painting in Vancouver….

…at the Elissa Cristall Gallery.  The artwork, by Eric Louie,  immediately grabbed my attention (despite the cute Scottish terrier padding around the space.)  They are vaguely landscape-ish, and definitely architectural.  The colour palette is striking: mostly cool, with the imposition of unexpected accents.  The paint is beautifully blended. Polka dots and dashes are used judiciously.

The work seems controlled, and planned, but with a particular sense of softness, despite all the sharp angles. Once or twice a drip of paint is allowed, not marring the surface, but completing it.

Eric Louie was born in the U.S. and now lives in Vancouver.  But guess where he had his first art lessons?  Yes, Winnipeg.  As a child, he took classes at the Winnipeg Art Gallery Studio programs.  There it is again–Winnipeg as an incubator for visual artists.

You’re not really surprised, are you?