Tag Archives: Diana Thorneycroft

Happy Anniversary, MAWA!


No trip to Vegas for this crowd!  Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) is celebrating 30 years with exhibitions, screenings, panel discussions, lectures and art, art, art!

Based in Winnipeg, (that hot bed of artistic activity!) MAWA is an amazing resource for women artists in Manitoba. A quick trip to their website will give you some idea of the work they do.  From on-line tutorials (MAWA TALKS) to the annual Mentorship program, the organization attempts to meet and support women artists wherever they are in their art practice.  MAWA offers residencies, studio visits, artist talks….and a whole lot more.

MAWA should be celebrated!  It is an active, inclusive organization that has encouraged many artists in Manitoba.

The celebration continues all through September and October.  How could we resist the Feminist Art Throwdown Symposium the first weekend of October?  Diana Thorneycroft  will be moderating a debate, Sheila Spence will give the Wendy Wersch Memorial Lecture, and imagine the fun at the Throwdown Hoedown!