Pause. Reflect. Remember.

It’s been a sad week.  Remembrance Day seems an appropriate end to the last seven days.

During both the first and second world wars, the Canadian government sent artists overseas to record their impressions. (If this seems a bit strange to you, you’re not the only one thinking so.)  According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, Canada was the first country to have an official war art program.

Molly Lamb Bobak was one of the Canadian artists recording Canada’s participation in World War II.  Click here for a summary of her fascinating life.  (It’s really worth reading.  It’s reported that later in her life, she liked to take the bus from Fredericton to Montreal so she could, possibly, meet someone interesting!)

Gas Drill by Molly Bobak

Private Roy by Molly Bobak (Globe and Mail image)

Private Roy by Molly Bobak (Globe and Mail image)

Currently, the Canadian Forces Artist Program accepts applications for (volunteer*) artists to “record Canada’s soldiers in Canada, and around the world.”

*This is a topic for another time….today is a good day to pause, and reflect.


4 thoughts on “Pause. Reflect. Remember.

  1. Holly McNally

    Who even knew there was a Bruno? I thought she was a Maritimer. I remember her from when I lived in Fredericton in the late 70s. Going to Montreal to meet someone interesting was done all the time as I recall. And what an odd but refreshing upbringing in those more prudish times.

    Holly McNally Sent from my iPad


  2. terryvatrt

    I did know about Bruno, as I saw his work in the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton years ago. It stays in my mind, as I was moved to tears by a triptych he painted. (I can’t seem to track it down right now, though.) I learned of Molly much later.


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