Do NOT miss this art show…..

….if you’re anywhere near Vancouver this summer. The Art Caravan made a quick trip to Vancouver to see Lost in the Memory Palace: Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller at the Vancouver Art Gallery.  It is definitely worth the trip. You should go.  Really.

I first saw one of their works, The Paradise Institute,  at  Plug In Institute of Contemporary Art in Winnipeg in 2003.  A few of my neighbours had expressed an interest in ‘learning about art.’  I chose The Paradise Institute for our initial excursion. ( I mean,  Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller represented Canada at the Venice Biennale in 2001 with The Paradise Institute. So why not start with something great, right?!)

Ha!  It turned out to be ‘immersion in art.’  Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller’s installations are full on sensory experiences.  It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Sound as art?  Role playing as part of the art experience?  What the heck just happened???

We certainly had lots to talk about at ‘happy hour’ after that art field trip.

There are seven (yes! seven) of their installations at the VAG, including the title piece, Lost in the Memory Palace.  Go straight up to the fourth floor, (ignore Douglas Copeland for the moment) and don’t miss any of them.


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