Terence Koh and Emily Carr…..

Emily Carr young+emily+carr

…a match (or mis-match) made in art heaven?

Terence Koh, contemporary artist, graduate of the Emily Carr School of Art + Design. Think performance pieces, sculpture, installations from New York to London to Switzerland….

Emily Carr, (1871-1945) belatedly beloved Canadian painter and writer. She lived and worked (nay, toiled) in British Columbia.

James Adams recently wrote a great feature in the Globe and Mail about Koh’s participation in Luminato, the  Toronto arts festival. One of Koh’s projects is an homage to dear Emily, at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg (just north of Toronto.)  As part of the installation he wrote this haiku….

a way to the light

For Emily Carr
Growing straight towards God’s light
Seasons forgotten

Not bad for a guy who’s been labelled a “young punk capitalist.” I’m guessing Emily would be honoured.



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